
Well-Being Tips, Your Rights, Etc.

Discussion of Bipolar, Not So Much

Another reason to join us on Discord. . . In order to support a recently diagnosed member some of us are going to buy and then read/discuss Jim Phelps, M.D.'s recent book on mood disorders, Bipolar, Not So Much. This will be a read-at-your-own-pace discussion where...

Updated Service Dog FAQ

Service dogs in shopping carts or on restaurant or store furniture, no. Service dogs in the swimming pool water, no, but on the deck beside the water, yes. Hotels, yes. Learn the updated rules straight from the DOJ, which is the enforcing and regulations agency for...

Am I Legally Disabled?

People get confused about the definition/standards of disability. Social Security's definition is a high standard and difficult for many to meet, but it is only the standard for qualifying for SSDI or SSI benefits. Meeting this standard is not necessary for one to...

Take a Hike!

HIKING IS THE BEST BANG-FOR-THE-BUCK MENTAL AND PHYSICAL HEALTH ACTIVITY We all know that exercise is good for us, but it's often boring and/or annoying. To add insult to injury, gym memberships cost money.  You've also probably heard that being outside can help mood,...