
Tovio by Advocacy Unlimited – offers workshops, wellness (yoga, etc.) and support groups. Our own Bonnie Grover runs their Hearing Voices Network group from 2:30-4 pm on Tuesday and their Alternatives to Suicide 3:30-5pm on Wednesdays.

Member Blogs

McMan’s Depression and Bipolar Web

The most extensive web resource devoted to depression and bipolar with 150 articles and 26 videos, written by an award-winning mental health journalist and expert patient, John McManamy.  John wrote Living Well with Depression and Bipolar Disorder published by Harper Collins back in 2006.  He’s started an newer series of books called THE BIPOLAR EXPERT SERIES that looks more deeply into the reality of of mood disorders and empowers the reader to become their own Bipolar Expert.  Book One is Not Just Up and Down: Understanding Mood in Bipolar Disorder and Book Two is In Search of Our Identity: Understanding Behavior In Bipolar Disorder.  Currently a nomad member, John McManamy has been a member of our Hartford Wednesday Night support group and a former facilitator for chapters in other locations.  He won a public service award for his work in Connecticut.

Are you one of our participants? Do you have a blog?  Contact us and let us know!