We will meet next Tuesday, September 14, 2021, to celebrate the life of our nomad sister Vanessa Curnutt, who died of Covid complications on September 2 . Everyone who met or interacted with Vanessa is very welcome to come, this is NOT limited only to those who identify as having anxiety, depression, etc., or only to those who knew her well. This is a short, friendly event where we will share our experiences of Vanessa while she was alive. Did her bright pink clothing choices give you a smile one day? Did you appreciate her salted fire-baked potatoes at our potato bar? Did she help you get from the RTR fairgrounds location to our campsite? Did her animal companions charm you?Vanessa added brightness to our lives even if we only knew her for a brief time. Vanessa was a big part of the Nomad Chapter activities during the last in-person RTR. She worked many hours in our booth at the fairgrounds and helped out in many ways at our 14-day camping event during that RTR. If you ever met Vanessa, even if you feel you didn’t really know her well, we really want you to join us for this brief celebration of her life. Please share this in all your nomad groups where someone might have known Vanessa.
Detailed Joining Information:
Tuesday, September 14, 2021
6p Pacific and Arizona / 7p Mountain / 8p Central / 9p Eastern / 10p Atlantic
To join with video: https://meet.google.com/xvg-sduy-uzf
To join by phone: 269-820-1174 PIN: 596 934 004#
This celebration of life is organized by the NomadChapter.Org, a service of DBSA Hartford, Inc., a 501(c)(3) charity which cooperates with Homes on Wheels Alliance to serve those of the nomad community who travel with depression, anxiety, etc.
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